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Oriental Rugs are new to the market and have already grabbed a greater market share upon its arrival. The shaggy rugs are the desire of every home, offices, hospitals, schools, restaurant, cafes and buildings. They cherished the environment and add values to its presence. The Oriental Rugs attract the people by its uniqueness and trending nature. They are the desire of every place as it gives a luxurious view to the people.

Oriental Rugs Delicate

The Oriental Rugs have fabricated with such a material that restrains dirt and dust from place and reinstates its appearance. Furthermore, Oriental Rugs give sensitive and delicate touch to the place with its appearance and matches with interior in every look. People use shaggy rugs at home to give a touch and sense of luxuriousness and lavishness.

Oriental Rugs for Sale Ultimate Desire

Oriental Rugs for Sale is providing you an ultimate desire to have lavish and luxury look at your homes, offices, restaurants, cafes, schools, hospitals and buildings. Providing you a wide range of rugs with various and different designs and patterns that beautify the place. Oriental Rugs for Sale gives rugs at a very reasonable and affordable price. It resists and sustains the ability of grabbing people attention towards itself by its charm and stylish way. Its unique style and texture captivate people and tends them to have it in their homes, offices, school, hospitals, restaurants, cafes and building to give lavish look.

Oriental Rugs

Oriental Rugs for Sale Unique 

 The Oriental Rugs for Sale is providing you rugs of such a unique and fine quality fabric that will last-long and never leave its impression. Rugs are making in such a premium and prime way that they can stand any bristly and rough condition. Providing you your own design at your doorstep.

Best and Ideal Oriental Rugs 

Oriental Rugs Dubai are full-sized set of rugs that provides remarkable quality and high intense rugs for your homes, schools, offices, hospitals, restaurants, cafes and building. They magnify and enhanced the upright way of the place. Oriental Rugs Dubai are providing finest and tuned quality rugs at most affordable and cheaper price. They are providing rugs at your doorstep.

Oriental Rugs Dubai high durability 

It mesmerizes the people and surrounding by its beauty and charming style. Oriental Rugs Dubai is most unique and has high durability. Providing you customize design rugs at your convenience. Delivering you design of different patterns and styles that have their own class and uniqueness.

Matchless Expression of Oriental Rugs Online 

Oriental Rugs Online is a creative style of rugs that depicts its inspiration and uniqueness in its entire arrangement. The Shaggy Rugs Abu Dhabi will turn the outlook of your homes, offices, restaurants, cafes, schools, hospital and buildings. These rugs cast a descriptive image all around its surrounding and intrigue and enthrall people. The Oriental Rugs Online gives variety of styles and collection of rugs of hundreds of different pattern and design. It has a number of features that provokes the other person to have the same. 

Oriental Rugs Online Image and look

Oriental Rugs Online explains its features by its image and looks. They provide online service of ordering rugs. It also enables the people to have rugs designed by them. With a variety of feature it has high sustainability.

Place an Order from Us

Oriental Rugs

Now, giving you the aspiration and desiring Oriental Rugs at your doorway in an easy and fastest way. We are contemplating amongst the best Rugs manufacturing and designing companies. We offer the Rugs at reasonable and affordable price. If thinking for buying then buy from us. Contact us on the below address.

Email: info@furnitureonline.ae

Contact: 056-600-9626, 056-677-6789, 042-959-449 

why choose us?

Welcome to our Oriental Rug Emporium! Here are several reasons why you should choose us for all your Oriental rug needs:

  1. Expertise: With decades of experience in the industry, we boast a team of knowledgeable experts who are passionate about Oriental rugs. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a novice enthusiast, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

  2. Authenticity: We take great pride in offering only authentic Oriental rugs sourced directly from reputable artisans and regions known for their rich weaving traditions. Each rug in our collection tells a story, reflecting the unique craftsmanship and cultural heritage of its origin.

  3. Quality Assurance: Our commitment to quality is unwavering. Every Oriental rug undergoes rigorous inspection to ensure it meets our stringent standards for craftsmanship, materials, and design. You can trust that you’re investing in a piece of timeless beauty that will last for generations.

  4. Diverse Selection: Whether you’re searching for a vibrant Persian rug, an intricately patterned Turkish kilim, or a luxurious silk carpet from China, we offer a diverse selection to suit every taste and style preference. Explore our showroom or browse our online catalog to discover the perfect rug for your space.

  5. Personalized Service: Your satisfaction is our top priority. Our friendly and experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized service, offering expert advice, and assisting you in finding the ideal rug to complement your home or business décor.

  6. Fair Pricing: We believe that luxury should be accessible to all. That’s why we strive to offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Shop with confidence knowing that you’re getting the best value for your investment.

  7. Customer Satisfaction: Over the years, we’ve built a reputation for excellence in customer satisfaction. From the moment you walk through our doors to the delivery of your rug and beyond, we’re committed to ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for our valued customers.

Experience the timeless beauty and unparalleled craftsmanship of Oriental rugs with us. Visit our showroom or shop online today and discover the perfect rug to elevate your space.


A: Oriental rugs are handcrafted textiles originating from various countries in Asia, including Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, India, and China. They are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and high-quality craftsmanship.

A: Oriental rugs are traditionally handwoven using techniques passed down through generations. They are typically made from natural fibers such as wool, silk, or cotton. The process involves spinning the fibers into yarn, dyeing the yarn with natural or synthetic dyes, and then hand-knotting the yarn onto a loom to create the rug’s intricate patterns.

A: Oriental rugs are prized for their unique designs, which often feature intricate patterns, geometric motifs, or floral motifs. Each rug is handmade by skilled artisans, giving it a distinct character and quality that cannot be replicated by machine-made rugs.

A: Quality Oriental rugs are judged based on factors such as knot density, yarn quality, dyeing techniques, and design intricacy. A higher knot density typically indicates better quality, as it results in a more durable and tightly woven rug. Additionally, rugs made from natural fibers like wool or silk tend to be of higher quality than those made from synthetic materials.

A: To maintain the beauty and longevity of an Oriental rug, it’s important to vacuum it regularly to remove dirt and debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners, as they can damage the fibers and colors of the rug. Instead, gently blot spills with a clean cloth and consider professional cleaning every few years to remove deep-seated dirt and stains. Additionally, rotating the rug periodically can help prevent uneven wear and fading.